My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I admit that I got a copy of this Novel in PDF format, It was assigned in the Curriculum of Studies for the English Language students. Soon I am going to own a Paperback copy of it.
My Plot:
The story was about an Orphan Boy Called Jude, who used to live in the cottage of his Aunt called Drusilla Fawley, at the Beginning of the story the scene was depicting the take off of the schoolmaster Mr. Phillotson, who was going from Marygreen to Christminster for the sake of University studies in an attempt to Improve his social position inside the Victorian society. before the departure Phillotson gave Jude some recommendations to work hard and to study whenever chance he gets, and that soon the day of Pay off will come. Jude was told also to be kind with all animals, and that Christminster is going to the city of lights where he will grasp the nice chance for a better Future. In fact Jude put these ideas as principles inside his mind, thinking of Christminster as a Utopian city where lights and science shine altogether. He grew hasty working on the bakery of his aunt and reading the books of Greeks and Latin that the schoolmaster send them to him, Jude start learning Free Masonry in Alfredston until the day when he met Arabella and fall in love with her, after a tricky attempt; Arabella get married to Jude and they start having a nice life till the day when Arabella showed off moving to Australia with her Family, Jude left alone, Than he decides to move to Christminster, this step made a big change inside his life. He continues working on Masonry in Christminster and making correspondence with the Masters of Universities and Colleges inside Christminster, He was desperate since his dream was broken down with the Truth of Christminster, as his days went on he met his Cousin Sue Bridehead and get in touch with the Previous schoolmaster, Sue was offered a job by Mr Phillotson as a Teaching assistant, and Jude continues in Free Masonry, until the day when Sue Get married with Mr. Phillotson, Jude changed his destination moving to another village Called Melchester where he get much closer to his cousin as a lover. as the story goes Sue run off from Mr. Phillotson to live freely with Jude, this nice step was the beginning of struggle inside the Victorian society, Jude move to Aldbrickham and soon they were not admitted especially with the show of Timer, Jude's son from Arabella. This curse was following them wherever they go. they moved to Christminster again, there children were executed by (Old Time), Later became baptized as Jude, Sue run away to remarry the Schoolmaster, Jude remarry Arabella. At the final stage, Jude died from Lung inflammation while Arabella was flirting with Dr. Vilbert, during Remembrance day in Christminster.
Positive and Negative Aspects:
Speaking of Positives, I would say that Thomas Hardy's story was very close to the Reality of the Victorian age inside Britain, it was a nice attempt to depict the real situation of an arrogant society that does not accept difference or anti-conformism, but anyway we would say nice just for the sake of Hardy's effort to bring truth to us.
Concerning the Negatives, I admit that this is the worst depiction I've ever had concerning the English world, the worst ever. Nuisance was flowing everywhere inside a society that tend to stick around Religion as a key for the salvation. A Society that does not accept blasphemy but it goes against the will of its components, In fact Jude's life inside this society was the worst ever. I've never had the idea that the English society was so stupid to judge persons from their appearances. It was an unjust comparison between Religion and Culture inside the society. Personally the writer makes a massive attack against the main components of the Victorian age including, Education - Religion - Marriage.
My Personal Reaction:
I was so sad when I finished reading this story, I personally stand with Jude since this society did not go in fair with him, Arrogant society that go against a weak person to throw him away, I would say that Thomas Hardy was so Harsh for making Jude in such a situation, so Harsh to give the main Protagonist dreams and to broke him down at the same time, I really interfere badly since the event of Jude's death, especially when the so called his wife was in a relation with another woman. In general I would say that it was all bad, and shame on the writer for being so Harsh to the Protagonist for nothing. I really feel sad for Jude at the end.
First I don't recommend this story for the weak hearts persons, But rather I would recommend this book to the persons who are familiar and fond of Thomas Hardy's writings.
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