My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I got a copy of this Encyclopedia for free during my Browsing in the Internet, I was looking for some medical clarification and I come across it. It was written in English with the same features above.
The encyclopedia is a team work result which include much more contributors, It was generally speaking about the whole disease that the humanity have encountered, including Pulmonary Tuberculosis, and so on and so forth, The Design of the encyclopedia is so special, It is divided into several chapters and each chapter discuss a certain aspects of the disease, but the most focus put on the contagious disease that have been discovered in Africa during the Christian Mission, But the most crucial thing in the encyclopedia is the medical terms and the heavy description of the disease in a professional way. Each chapter is tailed with a glossary including abbreviations and conclusion in addition to the References in the last of each chapter.
Positive and Negative Aspects:
the most attractive aspect in the encyclopedia is the design and the nature of work, I meant with the design, the sort of arrangement that each chapter deals with, Besides it is easy to have an idea of a certain disease and the best ways to prevent it, In addition to the most crucial ways to heal it. Personally the Encyclopedia was magnificent, but the negative thing that I come across was that the encyclopedia is meant to be read by scientist and people who have a certain relation to the domain of Medicine and Health care. Meaning there is much medical terminology that dominates the whole language used in the book, Besides there are some pictures and some sign that could not understood by the General reader.
My Personal Reaction:
Given the fact that I am literary person, I just want to go beyond the limits of my specialty, but the result was negative, I understand only the historic of diseases and the facts given about the certain phenomena, but I got devastated reading the medical process and the professional explanation of the phenomena, Anyway I got a background of Information and a quite acceptable baggage concerning health problem and subject, I got knowledge of how to treat myself during certain situations. But finally I would say that reading of this encyclopedia was OK.
I don't have an idea if this encyclopedia is a part of the medical curriculum, but I would recommend it to people who have relation to the microbiology and the medical domain of disease history. I don't recommend it to literature people like me, because they will get nothing from it at all.
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