My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I download this nice version from Planet PDF in an Electronic form, It was nice concerning the Nature of writing and the obviousness.
My Plot:
I won't write much on the plot because as known, it is a sort of small accounts that took animals as entity to express a wisdom that a one should take it for granted. In fact it took all sort of animals and even human to express the idea's that human should behave good and not care to other, besides it is a nice attempt to enlighten the mind with such nice idea of AESOP.In fact the wisdom of Aesop are outstanding and last from generation to Generation.
Positive and Negative Aspects:
The Book was all a sort of short stories between Humans sometimes and between Animals, the main object behind all these writing was teaching Humanity from bringing examples, it was all nice especially in the Stream of the events. So I guess there is no harm in it at all, especially when it was by Aesop our mute who used to be unable to express his idea's orally.
My Personal Reactions:
I get so much pleasure, especially when I get this bundle of wisdoms in life, I am sure that I am going to put them into consideration especially when I grasp the real meaning of all of them. It was a nice enjoyment after all. since it was a combination between pleasure and enjoyment and meaning grasping.
I would like to recommend this nice piece to all the new generation in aim to not lose all this bundle of wisdom of life. It was a nice form that everybody will be able to read it.
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