My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I get this nice edition from the well known website of Planet eBooks. It was a nice attempt to reach something that was impossible to reach during the hot Political days. I have it in PDF Form.
My Plot:
First of all, this not a real story that happens. It is just an Imagination of the world after the war the Orwell used to participate in. In fact it was all a world that consist of three powerful states. Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Our main focus lay on Oceania the country that was Ruled by the INGSOC the Abbreviation of English Socialism. Inside Oceania was the Protagonist Winston Smith. a functioned outer party member who used to work as a Rectifier in the Department of Records in the Ministry of Truth. Our Protagonist used to lead a life full of fears and hatred due to the constriction level that the INGSOC Party used to implement on its citizens. Oceania divided into three main social entities. Big Brother at the top followed by the Inner party Members followed by the Outer Party Member and finally the Proles who last the Social Pyramid. Anyway Winston was leading a normal life at the beginning of the story, until the day when he decided to write a diary to the future. It was obvious that the Citizens were forbidden from such a thing including writing diaries and Thinking of the pasts in addition to the falsification of the facts that the party said. Winston go against these norms as a rebellion, This fact annoyed the Inner Party member called O'Brien, and thus he pull the trigger saying to Winston that he "will meet him in a Place where there is no Darkness." Winston grows hasty with this statement. He get enthusiastic with O'Brien. Days past when he fall in love with Julia an outer party member, there meeting first began with Hatred toward her till he get the small paper saying "I love You". They pass some fine days together in a secret way. Winston lent a room in Mr. Charrington Junk shop. There he spent most of his time Julia. Until the date when they both met O'Brien, Winston shows an ardent feeling to get against the party and to rebel over it. O'Brien gave Winston a Falsified sort of the BOOK that Emmanuel Goldstein pretend to write. In fact Winston put a blind thrust toward O'Brien and that's what leads him to be arrested and tortured by the Taught Police in the Ministry of Love where O'Brien was his chief torturer. In the End Winston and Julia both got enough Torture and Winston had a brain wash. In the last Chapter Winston became a daily customer of the Chestnut Tree Café. he get another Job in the making of the Newspeak dictionary, Finally the shot him secretly and thus was the Finish line of the story.
Positive and Negative Aspects:
I would say that this story was the worst of all time. It was obvious that the INGSOC was somehow like an imitation of the Russian Socialist party during the Soviet Union. but the Laws used here in the book were exaggerated. People were deprived from thinking and from learning, from every aspect of good life. Besides it was unsuccessful attempt to imagine a party that was going to kill the sex instinct and the language as well. the INGSOC was trying to kill all the Human aspects of life and to make from the citizens as dog that do not dare to say anything front of the Party. Everything the party said is right and ineligible to be discussed. Besides falsifying the past was not something new to us. Indeed It was negative to imagine a world that will never stop from war. It was a Horror inside Horror but this time in an imaginative way, Another bad aspects inside the story, was the Chapters of Goldstein's book. It was a devastating to read a long meaningless Chapter that O'Brien deceived Winston's with. I read them and I feel a Headache inside my Head. Because it was a Book inside a Book. Finally It was meaningless too to read the last appendix of the Newspeak. because nothing is worth reading inside it but a minor Glimpse of how the party changed it language form.
My Personal Reaction:
Actually I wasn't fond of the story so much. Besides I was negatively impressed especially by the manner of Torture that the Ministry of Love used toward every convicted inside it. I expect George Orwell will deny any sort of torture but in fact he was teaching the world of how to implement these kinds of torture. I put a shame to the world, because much of the methods that are used by the party in the Book are used nowadays in the world of our Generation especially in the Arab world. where the King represent the Big Brother who can't get be reached to or he should not criticized, or so on and so forth. I was waiting from the writer to ban these forms of killing the human nature but he was otherwise reviving the weak instinct of Power inside every ruler today. The Death of Winston represent the status of human who want to live with mind and Logic. It was a nice symbolizing but a worse teaching for the other part. In another way I gave this book 5 stars just because of its literature attempt, but in fact the contents according to the Newspeak are DOUBLE PLUS UNGOOD.
I don't recommend this book to anybody, Otherwise it should be banned, due to its negative teachings of such negative forms of life. It was a Book full of worst aspects of life and full of political problems. If someone read it I am sure he will get full of Intoxication. Without forgetting that this Book used to be Banned in several countries. All I would say is that for people who want to read it should care much of themselves by not implementing the methods of life used inside it.
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