My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I admit that I get this version of eBook from a friend of mine, he told that since I was interested in the Jewish literature I may have this eBook as a gift from him, It was translated into English. that's how I read it.
My Plot:
The form of the Book was a diary, so there is much abidance to the events in the diary in a form of separate clauses, It was nice how Ann told about her friends in Germany and how she was enjoying their friendship, she put some professional description on the portrait of her friends in a clever manner. She put events on how she get the diary during her birthday and how she named it as "Kitty". Through her diary Ann kept the reader in touch with all events she was narrating how the family went through several changes especially during the German National rise and the Deporting of Jews from Germany. She tells how Jews were forbidden from using the ways in the city, they were forbidden to be out of house after 8 o'clock night and how they were imposed to wear a sign of "Magim David" in their clothes during the normal flow of life. She put into consideration the process of moving from Germany and to Holland for the sake to hide from the German Rise. but during the evasion of Germany to Holland, the Frank Family were imposed to hide in an Annexe in the company where her Father Otto was working. Their life was really leading to bad conditions especially when they were forbidden to make such a noise to live inside an Annexe the whole day and Night. It was nice that some friend helped them to bring food and all the necessary needs to them. It was obvious that Family hiding place was discovered, and Ann was sent to the camp, it was very hurt feeling to read about her life in the camp.
Positive and Negative Aspects:
Given the fact that this diary was translated, from Dutch to English, the Process of Change was made very nicely, I hoped to read it in Dutch in order to feel the literary touch of this young writer. All the Literary aspects inside the diary where quite beautiful, the Jargon of Language was so simple and quite understandable, Besides the descriptive manner was more professional for a young writer as Ann Frank. Anyway there were no negative aspects that could be stated, that's why I put no objections against it.
My Personal Reaction:
It was the first time that I come across a literature produced by the Jews of Germany, Or Yiddish People in General, the literary touch was given to them in a manner of Instinct, I really admit all the Jewish literature and especially this diary. It was a nice attempt to reach the point of Idea through literary manner. Any way due to my devotion to this nature literature I was completely enjoying the show.
The Diary is a simple techniques of narration of how events happens inside this particular family, In fact I would recommend to all the Jews who are interested in the Literature of Eastern Europe before the world war II, It also be recommended to all people who want to enjoy the simplicity and the nice touch of woman over literature
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