My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Actually I have been aware so much when I put the "Quran" in my shelves especially when a lot of changes have been made in the section of name. Actually there was an ideological conflict between whether to classify the Author as "Anonymous" - According to Goodreads Policy - or as "God Almighty" - according to Muslims inside the website - I download this Quran from the link provided in Goodreads. I read it in Arabic, and here is the result.
The General Idea:
"The Quran" as a holy book to Muslims, contains 114 "Sourah", and each "Sourah" take hold of a certain matter in the life of "Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him", "the Quran" is written in an old Arabic dialect called "Banou Asad" dialect. The most long Chapter in the Quran is "Al Baqara" and the short one is "Al Kawtar". The most important idea in the Quran circumnavigate in the "Loneliness of God", as an independent King and God of Heaven and Earth. Quran contains also some stories of old prophets who came before "Mohammed". The obvious example we have is the Chapter of "Youssef". There are also some stories of famous Prophets including Moses, Jesus, Sodom and Gomorrah and so on and so forth....
Amazing Facts for the Reader:
The first advantage for the reader is that Quran is easy and had been translated to several Language, so there would no obstacles in understanding the meaning of it. Besides, Quran mentions all the prophets and all the religion with respect, there were no negative perception to any Religion, and several question could be answered just from the Quran itself.
My Personal View:
I do not want to give my view concerning this book, because it would create so much chaos, My only feeling toward this "Holy Book" is respect and nothing after it, because as reviewers we should be very aware to offend the feeling of Billions of Muslims world wide.
If you are an Arabic speaker, than there would be no obstacles in Understanding it, you are lucky than... But for foreigners, feel free to contact me in case you don't understand a chapter in it. And finally I wish you all a good reading.
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