My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I would love to say that this Encyclopedia was my key to the world of Anthropology, and it was also the gate that makes me love this Human science. I own an Electronic book by Routledge.
This encyclopedia shed light to a vague amount of the world culture. It explore culture from different perspective. Most discussed subjects are mainly in the Aboriginal Australian, American Culture from different dimensions, North African and Middle Eastern culture, Eastern European and Asian culture.
The Encyclopedia shed light also to some political issues including Marxism and Capitalism, the Role of Republic and its difference from all sorts of governing systems.
Positive and Negative Aspects:
The main positive side that I admit; is that this Encyclopedia take hold of all Knowledge and researches performed in this Domain. Also the reader may encounter several names that used to implement Anthropology and Archaeology from different aspects. The Reader may also come in touch with the History of Anthropology and the Changes that undergo this Science, and what makes it as an Academic subject in the Universities.
My Personal View:
When I start reading, I was completely confused, especially that Each entries looks independent from the other, but when I get accustomed with the name of Anthropologists and their main objectives in this science, I get excited to know more about Malinowski, Spencer and Gillen, and Radcliffe Brown. Actually the success of this science was behind understanding the whole world culture; and the main key to avoid discrimination and prejudgments.
I don't love being so ruling, but I recommend you to read some details about Anthropology and Its objectives than you can accustomed with this Encyclopedia. The language used in the book is simple, but the only obstacles that may confuse is the name of science that ends by "gy" here you must look for what are the objectives of this word.
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