My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It would be a surprise to have such a book in my shelves, I mean since it was designed for women, but I manage to call that book a sexual guide to Anal sex. I choose to have it since Tristan Taormino decides to make sexual education go toward a healthy and happy sexual life. I have this book in eBook format.
My Plot:
"I have to say from the first that I am going to be so open, so please don't get offended". In the beginning of the book Tristan took the subject of "Anal Sex" from a social and religious point of view. She made some researches about sodomy and why it was forbidden according to the three religions, she discusses the social point of view of "Anal Sex" from different dimensions, than she moves to her confessions, she said that she "went crazy the time someone put a finger in her anus" - Sorry for this expressions but it's a quotation from the book. Tristan than.. decides to make some explorations to this orifice, actually the information that she states about anal orifice were so amazing. In the upcoming chapters, she discusses several matters that relates to this subject including Enemas, Anal plays and Beads, Dildos, and what is the right way to use them. In addition some recommendations for the best positions to this "Anal sex" - So sorry again for the explicit language - The last thing she spoke of is "Fisting" - Oh again - in addition to some testimonies made by people who practice this act.
Positive and Negative Aspects:
The Guide to Anal Sex is a kind of new form of books. So it would be surprising for the reader to find some quotes about "Anal Sex" at the margins of each page, or find out some written experience about people who practice this act, The photographs inside the book were so classical, and they get to the point. Another amazing thing was that Tristan were so hard working to bring the idea that "Anal Sex is not a sin, so according to her, it's a sexual enjoyment that everybody need to explore it, and benefit from its pleasure.
My Personal View:
I want to say that I am still a "Virgin" and I don't feel the shame of it at all. "May be I consider it as Chastity" But I would love to say that these kind of books are quite stranger to me, the fact is that I benefit a lot from the experiences inside the book; and I hold my position as a beneficent from these references, but the main point that I see Tristan insisting on is "Lubrication". Actually this word is running through the whole of book. Meaning that without lubrication there would be no pleasure, "That's what I have in mind from this book". Apart from this I hold no objection toward the contents inside that book at all, and that's the reason why I put all these five in the voting block.
The Book is a sexual reference, so it is forbidden for the people under the age of puberty to have it, due to its explicit language and direct images that demonstrate the "Anal Subject". Apart from this, the book is so useful in order to benefit from its information on the subject of "Healthy Sex".
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